7 times Rey Mysterio was a real-life superhero

To describe Rey Mysterio as a star, is an understatement. Despite his diminutive size, Mysterio is (rather ironically), one of the biggest names in wrestling history, dazzling fans with his acrobatics.

Since entering the wrestling world in 1989 aged just 14, Mysterio has grown to become a household name, winning 3 world championships in WWE, and competing in various promotions across the world.

Mysterio is also a former Royal Rumble winner and is one of the pioneers of smaller guys entering the main-event scene.

But Rey's moves aren't the only thing that has set him apart from other superstars. Proud of his lucha libre heritage, Mysterio wears a lucha-mask when he wrestles, with each one having a close connection to the San Diego native.

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With his recent appearance at ALL IN, Mysterio wore a costume designed after Marvel's Wolverine, so with that in mind, here are 7 times Mysterio was a real-life superhero, paying tribute to the comic characters.

#1 Daredevil (WrestleMania 19)

Mysterio truly was the man without fear.

Appearing at his first WrestleMania, Mysterio wore a dark purple suit, complete with a horned mask, similar to those worn by Matt Murdock, the blind lawyer of Marvel comics, who fights crime at nights as Daredevil, the man without fear.

Living up to the moniker, Mysterio threw caution to the wind, in his efforts to take the Cruiserweight Championship from a pre-Woken Matt Hardy.

Whilst Hardy retained that night, Mysterio had given the WWE Universe an incredible spectacle, and defeated Hardy for the gold, later that year.

#2 The Flash (WrestleMania 20)

Rey channels the Scarlet Speedster, as he battles in Madison Square Garden.

Known as the fastest man alive, DC's the Flash can run over 700 miles an hour, and has even run through time, trying to prevent crimes in the past.

So it makes sense that one of WWE's fastest stars would wear a Red and Yellow costume, stylised after the Scarlet Speedster.

Competing once again for the Cruiserweight title, Mysterio stood out from the 8 other challengers for the coveted prize, held by Chavo Guerrero.

Whilst Guerrero retained, with some underhanded tactics (a family tradition) Mysterio was definitely the most talked about superstar after the dust had cleared.

#3 Silver Surfer (Summerslam 2007)

Mysterio shocks audiences with his body paint, emulating the Surfer.

A tie-in to the Fantastic Four film released that same year and Mysterio wore a silver costume and mask to match the herald of Galactus, devourer of planets.

However, always wanting to impress, the masked sensation also had his entire body painted silver, to the surprise of the fans, both at the arena and at home.

Unfortunately, the paint job wasn't the best, and under the hot lights and intense atmosphere, it became blotchy in some places, but was still able to make an impact in his match against long-time rival, Chavo Guerrero.

#4 The Joker (WrestleMania 25)

Mysterio channels a darker side, dressing as the iconic Batman villain.

Sometimes, to defeat a monster, you must become a monster. And that was clear when Rey took on one of WWE's most villainous men, John 'Bradshaw' Layfield at WrestleMania 25.

In a tribute to the late Heath Ledger, who had died months prior, Mysterio channeled his dark side, dressing as iconic supervillain the Joker, who Ledger played in 2008's 'The Dark Knight'.

With the mad clown's signature Purple and Green aesthetic, Mysterio completed the look with a chalk-white mask and red 'scars'.

It must've helped, as Mysterio defeated the Texan Billionaire in less than 30 seconds, claiming the Intercontinental Championship, with JBL quitting WWE shortly afterward.

#5 Captain America (WrestleMania 27)

Rey wears the Red, White and Blue, before his match with the future NWA World Champion.

Once again wanting to give the WrestleMania crowd a surprise, Mysterio wore a costume similar to the iconic Marvel character Captain America when he battled the scarred Cody Rhodes.

It made sense, as Mysterio's knee brace and broken the nose of the so-called 'Dashing' one, leading Rhodes to snap, seeing himself as hideous, and developing the classic super-villain skill of monologuing.

Whilst evil triumphed over good that April night, both men gave their all, in an underrated match from 2011.

#6 Batman (Summerslam 2012)

Mysterio makes his way to the ring, as he goes to battle The Miz.

The story of Batman is one of the most iconic in comics, if not literature as a whole. When a young Bruce Wayne saw his parents gunned down in front of him, he swore to avenge them, training his mind and body to become Batman, the dark defender of Gotham City.

Appearing at the Summerslam 2012 pay per view, Mysterio wore a costume like the Dark Knight, complete with jet black cape, and horns like the classic cowl of the DC character.

Whilst Mysterio did not win that night against the Miz, it may have been a whole different story if he'd used the 'ReyMobile', or a Rey-arang.

#7 Black Panther (November 2017)

Mysterio reps the Wakandan king as the Black Panther.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been releasing hit after hit after hit since it launched in 2008, with Black Panther being one of the most well-received superhero films this year.

In November last year, Mysterio paid tribute to the Wakandan king, wearing a Black Panther costume for his match against La Máscara, Rush and Penta Zero M.

With plenty more Marvel and DC movies announced, who knows when the masked-sensation will strike next?

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